We are committed to reaching, raising, and releasing a Gospel Army.
Welcome to Grace Church.
We'd like to take some time to introduce ourselves.
Thank you for visiting.
To contact us, leave a message below!
Bruce Hunt - Lead Pastor / Connect Group Lead
My name is Bruce and I am a Pastor, leader, and learner. I am also a father to two great kids, Noah and Abigail, and a husband to a terrific woman, Kelly. More importantly than that, I am a child of the Living God striving to live a life pleasing to my Lord and Leader - Jesus!
After spending 15 years in Student ministry serving churches in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, the Lord brought us back home to the Downriver Detroit community in May 2009 to become the Pastor of Grace Church in Allen Park, Michigan. which is a a part of the Reformed Church in America (RCA) family. Grace is an amazing place where we all can strive after Jesus, just the way we are. The Lord is doing amazing things at Grace and I invite you to come check us out on Sunday Mornings at 10:34 am.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree at William Tyndale College and my Master of Divinity degree at Rockbridge Seminary. I am currently working toward a Doctorate of Ministry.
I am a huge fan of the Detroit Red Wings, Michigan football, the Detroit Lions, and the Detroit Tigers. In my spare time, I like to read and hang out with my family.

Andrew LaBo - Discipleship Pastor
Andrew LaBo has been attending Grace Church since 1996.
Andrew has been involved in many areas of ministry here at Grace Church and enjoys seeing lives impacted and changed by the
Good News of Jesus Christ.
Andy was installed as a commissioned pastor for the Reformed Church in America on January 5, 2020; he is focused on making disciples here at Grace.

Ginny Bentley - Secretary / Discipleship Team Lead
I have attended Grace Church since I was 10 years old; I became a member at 16 and have seen lots of changes and new faces.
I am very excited to see the blessings that continue to be present in the people and ministries of Grace.
I graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a
Bachelor of Science degree Cum Laude. I have taught full-time and now devote my time to secretarial duties here at Grace.
I love reading, walking, traveling, and I am a big classic movie fan.
My favorite Bible passage, among many, is Psalm 34:8 "O taste and see that the LORD is good; happy are those who take refuge in him."
What do I like most about the Discipleship Classes team?
Their enthusiasm and willingness to teach our ongoing Discovery classes.
Being an educator, 30 years as a teacher of adults, I love our Discipleship team's Discovery Class program. It is exciting to see people process through the five classes and see the growth in their faith and walk as a Christian.
When I am not working the secretarial job you can usually find me trying to keep up my house and in my spare time indulging my hobbies of reading and jewelry making.

Diane Lopez - Elder
Diane Lopez is our Prayer Team leader.
She is dedicated to following Jesus and sharing her faith with others.
She prioritizes prayer.

Benjamin Low - Elder | Vice President of Consistory
Ben Low is a faithful and humble Christian.
He is a philanthropist and cares for those around him.
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
Psalm 23

Ursula Davenport - Elder
I am a mom of one son who will be 31 years old this month, June 2023.
I’ve worked in the medical field for the past 30 years and I've watched God move in amazing ways.
I love to bake.
The best thing about being an elder is watching the Holy Spirit move in each member of the leadership and how that always seems to line up.
I love the friendship and relationships that are growing as a result of my position.

Libby Sullivan - Deacon
Libby Sullivan is faithful steward and enjoys serving our community.
She is faithful in service at our food pass-outs on Wednesdays.

Rob Glenzer - Deacon
Rob Glenzer is a father of three.
He is a faithful husband, doting father and invaluable member of the Grace family.
He has served our country as a member of the United States Navy.

Darrell Maddix - Deacon / Chairman
I married my beautiful wife Michelle in 2002.
We have four children.
I am an avid fan of reptiles and amphibians.
I started serving in tech in about 2012 and became the leader in 2015.
The thing that I like the best about serving on the Production Arts team is the global reach of electronic media and being on the cutting edge of implementing a social media presence for the Gospel.
As a deacon I look forward to using a passion of mine for our community. I enjoy construction and in this role I can help maintain and improve the building where we gather to worship together.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8 ESV